When visual designers meet product managers, development engineers... figure 2 Finally, the design focus of Figure 3 is on the editability of user information. The ability to view and track customer information in real time has been weakened. When visual whatsapp Database designers meet product managers, development engineers... image 3 These 3 different visual presentation schemes tell us about the 3 main tasks of our users: view customer contact information, manage and update this information, and keep records of customers. In each scheme, the basic elements of visual design are the same: colors, fonts, gradients, and images. Visual design can do so much more than beautifying whatsapp Database an interface. It also shoulders the role of delivering the core functionality of the product. "What is this?" "How to use these functions?" "How to use them more efficiently.
Doing popular things can improve the quality of visual design Just like what the popular website "make my logo bigger" does for clients, product whatsapp Database managers often ask visual designers to pay more attention to a particular detail in typography. While these comments help us get to the point of design more easily, they also expose another misconception about visual design: "In order to improve the visuals of this website, you need to make this larger, use bold font whatsapp Database change into red!" However, the importance of any element on a page depends on its surroundings. For example, put a big red circle in a page, it will be very eye-catching. If you put the same circle on 10 pink circles, it won't stand out as much.
Therefore, determining the importance of an element should start from the overall design. We shouldn't just focus on one element to improve the design. If you do, the overall balance of the page will be disrupted, and the hierarchy of page functionality will whatsapp Database be confused. If you allow each stakeholder to adjust different details of the page one by one, you will have to choose between user needs and product needs each time you adjust, however, in most cases, both needs cannot be met at the same time. Figures 4 and 5 are a comparison of two different download pages. Firefox's page has whatsapp Database a prominent download button to trigger this behavior. Other elements on the page, such as product features, are not so obvious. When visual designers meet product managers, development engineers... Figure 4 Figure 5 is the download page of Flock.